
Posts Tagged ‘fashion’


I need to start attending AA.

Anthropologie Anonymous 

It has been a while since I visited my old friend Anthro.  We used to have a pretty monogamous relationship until my post pregnancy body.  For years I have walked by the windows longingly dreaming of that crisp white bag stenciled with gray lettering. Not daring to go in and excpeting my oversized, black and grey,  gap wardrobe.

But as Ryan Gosling says in “Crazy Stupid Love”,  “I am better than the Gap”

Do not get me wrong there is nothing wrong with The Gap but it is no Anthro.  I have lost enough of the baby weight that investing in me is a priority or perhaps it has now reaching the levels of addiction.

My bank account and better said my loving husband funded me some investment in myself money where I got a few things I am LOVING but my bank account is empty and so I must resort back to the stage of Coveting… at least for now.

All Anthropologie except the poppy red skirt which is J Crew.

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